Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update to Making My Own Potato Boxes

You may remember we started out with the base of my potato boxes.

Then we went up a level.
As the potatoes grew, the boxes grew too.
Until you get to the top of the posts.
Now I'm just waiting for the blossoms to indicate the potatoes are forming. When the tops start withering, it's time to harvest.

NOTE: 8/30/2011 Okay, the potato boxes didn't work very well. I got potatoes, but they were ALL in the dirt, none in the straw. So did my dear husband say anything about the $100+ we spent on the boards, nails, etc. Not to mention the time? No bless his heart he just enjoyed the potatoes we did get. I think what went wrong was using only straw in the boxes. We should have used compost & dirt as well as chopped straw. The straw worked great as a mulch, but didn't stay close enough to the vines to promote additional root growth. Also, the straw settled into the boxes until they were only half full. I guess you live and learn.

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