I've been so busy in the garden that I really haven't taken the time to write other than trying to keep a garden journal. I'm trying to keep track of what I've planted this year and to keep notes on how the various plants do in my garden. I am transitioning to raised beds this year. I've added compost and manure to my beds and have determined to stick with organic methods. I've incorporated companion planting to help deter pests and encourage "good bugs". Today I saw a honey-colored woodcutter bee. It was so cool. My husband has been teasing me that I have more plants than garden, which is true. But he has allowed me to use part of his half of the back yard to plant some apple trees, beans, artichokes and elderberry plants. He's also adding flowers which is a first for him. We planted several ground cover plants on the mound around our pond too. Anyway, back to the garden as I have squash to plant.