Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Christmas in September?

I received my seed order today and even though I knew what I had ordered, it was still fun to open my package.  I knew what I wanted when I place my order - onions, cabbage and broccoli. Oh, and peas to grow on the fence. Well, I couldn't decide between which cabbage so I bought 2. Hey, they had bok choy - cabbage without the head; I had to get some of those too. The onions? 1 red, 1 yellow and 1 green bunching of course. Then there are peas - flat snow peas for salads and stir fry and english peas to shell and cook. And lets not forget the broccoli. Now I just need to figure out where I'm going to plant everything since I already used up 3 of the 5 rows I had originally planned to use when I ordered the seed. I found out after I placed my order, that I still had some seed that I bought in the spring - beets, leeks, 3 kinds of radishes, carrots. These went in the first 3 rows. I also found several types of lettuce, collards and spinach seeds. All of these will grow well in the fall and through the winter in the valley.

So today I cleared about 1/3 of my original garden for space to plant. Now we'll till it up and prepare to plant this weekend. According to the Farmers' Almanac Moon Calendar, this weekend will be good for planting above ground crops. I've never planted by the moon before this year. It's my latest experiment.

By the way, I ordered my seed from Sustainable Seed Co. They're located in California just like me. Most seed companies are back east. I like their product because they sell seed that is self propagating. Most of the seed you buy today is hybrid which means it will not breed true to itself. The price of seed is going up just like everything else and it is so easy to save your own seed. Plus these guys give great service. I've e-mailed questions to them several times and they're always helpful and quick to respond. Check them out.

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