I sleep with my window open - summer or winter. When it's cold, I can always add more blankets and I sleep like a baby. I like the window open because I get to hear the birds announce the day. In the summer time I hear blue jays and sometimes mockingbirds. I also hear crows which I don't particularly like. They used to fly over on their way to the country, but now they often stay in residence of the neighborhood. I know some people like crows, but I don't. I'll shoot them if I have a chance.
Anyway, I digress. I have purposely stacked small branches trimmed from our trees outside my window to create a brush pile. Why the brush pile? Currently the birds I hear in the morning are sparrows. Recently I added branches from the Lambs Quarters "weeds" that I let get almost as big as trees. They are covered in seed that the birds like to eat. For being fairly plain birds and small compared to others, sparrows have the most beautiful song. I love to hear them sing all day long. Their song is so peaceful and calming.
To some people sparrows are a nuisance as they can eat a lot of chicken feed if they have access, but I don't mind. My Aunt Jackie used to throw wild bird feed to them on her patio and now I understand why. Maybe she was also giving God a hand as the Bible mentions that God sees a sparrow when it falls and that He provides for them. I think it gave her comfort. All I know is that I really enjoy their singing.
If you want to hear some beautiful music just create a brush pile and maybe throw out a little seed.
Thanks for caring for the birds! Too many take them for granted and they are a much-needed part of the garden. I stick "perches" all over my garden for them to sit on. I also purposely leave the seeds heads on most of the herbs and perenniels for winter food. It looks awful, but the birds are very happy! I'll have to post about it -- it's fun to watch them. Thanks for the great blog -- I'll be following. (and thanks for checking out mine too).